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Student Resources

Parent and Student Handbook

The San José Unified Parent/Student Handbook is a guide to help students and families understand the policies, California laws, and school district procedures that ensure students have every opportunity to succeed in a safe learning environment. We encourage you to explore the resource information to get familiarized with some important procedures, expectations, and requirements. More information on student and parent rights is available in the Parent/Student Handbook.

English Spanish

Read Board Policy 6020 and Administrative Regulation 6020 for the parent involvement opportunities available to you to participate in your children's education. 

Appearance dress Code

Students shall dress appropriately for daily attendance at school.  The type and style of clothing and hair are individual and personal.  The school shall be concerned only when these are extreme and could cause school distraction, disruption, or be unsafe.  Broadway administration is responsible for the final determination regarding the appropriateness of appearance or dress. 

Per SJUSD Handbook attire or grooming depicting or advocating violence, criminal activity, gang-related activity (including colors identified by the Santa Clara County Sheriff or San José Police Department as gang-affiliated), use of alcohol or drugs, pornography, or hate speech are prohibited.

Students wearing inappropriate, offensive, or gang-affiliated clothing will be asked to remove it, turn it inside out, or find an alternative.  Upon availability, loaner clothing will be offered to the student to replace or cover the inappropriate article.  If loaner clothing is not available, a parent may be contacted to bring a change of clothes. In cases where the student is not able to change, they will be moved to an isolated area on campus where they will continue their studies away from their peers.  Repeated disrespect of dress code expectations may result in further disciplinary actions.

We stress that appropriate dress and habits at school not only shows respect for themselves and others, but it also helps students be more successful as they enter the workforce.  The dress code is in place to keep the students of the Broadway community safe and focused on graduation.