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Young Families

playroom of toys furnishings for young children at Broadway

San José Unified offers a Young Families program at Broadway High that serves expectant and parenting teens and their children who live within San José Unified boundaries. Just one of three teen pregnancy support programs in the Bay Area, the program promotes school achievement by providing expectant and parenting teens with educational stability, support services, and community. The children of teenage parents ages newborn to three years old can enroll in the Young Families' infant/toddler care program and take advantage of free early care and education.  

To learn more about the Young Families program, contact your school nurse, counselor, or Child Welfare & Attendance specialist (CWA).

First page of the PDF file: 2023-2024Young-Families-Flyer

Attendance and Grades

Infant/Toddler Center

Early Education Philosophy

The Young Families Infant/Toddler Program follows a child-centered approach to early care and education.  We incorporate the approaches of the Program for Infant/Toddler Caregivers (PITC) with a Creative Curriculum approach.

We believe that early childhood care and education should be based on relationship planning instead of lesson planning, and emphasize child-directed learning over adult-directed learning.

We believe the setting for care is critical and environments that ensure safety, offer infants appropriate developmental challenges, and promote optimum health for children are optimal. An equally important program component is the strengthening of the child’s developing family and cultural identity by making meaningful connections between childcare and the child’s family and culture.

Support Services for Teen Parents

Support of young parents is essential to the success of this program and the future education and health of the young infants and toddlers who participate in the program. Instruction and classes on what to expect during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, newborn care as well as nutrition and social – emotional development are all a part of this comprehensive program.  In addition, Broadway staff work with young family members to understand the importance of education and to help them earn credits toward graduation.

Following are just some of the agencies and organizations we work with to ensure that the needs of our teen parents and their children are met.